Les tarifs sont à titre indicatif : Avant tout projet je fournirai un devis, prenant en compte la complexité des erreurs en cas des corrections, le niveau technique du vocabulaire des traductions, la nature et volume des compositions littéraires etc
Devis gratuit et sans engagement
TVA non applicable
plumehibou.com traducteur Niort La Rochelle Poitiers
Corrections : from €0,08 per word
Translations : from €0,12 per word for letters, manuscripts, thesis
Literary Translations : calculated on time allotted and nature of texts
New compositions : from €30 per page (up to 200 words)
Rewriting : from €20 per page (up to 200 words)
Training : from €20 per hour, plus travel expenses if applicable. Can also be funded through your CPF.
These tariffs are for guidance: Before any project I will deliver a quotation taking into account the complexity of errors if for corrections, the technical vocabulary in the case of translations, and the nature and volume of the work in the case of literary translations.
Quotations are free with no commitment.
VAT is not applicable
plumehibou.com traductions Niort La Rochelle Poitiers